There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. – Albert Einstein
To some this statement might seem naive or simplistic. However, I choose to live by the words, “…as though everything is a miracle.” I am aware that heartache, pain, and loss are very real. I am also aware that every day we have a choice – to see the miracles all around us – or not. I choose to see the miracles, I seek them and I am ever grateful for this perspective.
Today is a particularly important day in terms of miracles – it is the 100th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun. One of the most celebrated miracles in modern history. The story began with three shepherd children seeing a vision of The Virgin Mary in which she told them a miracle would occur on October 13, 1917. On that day, people gathered, curious to see if these children could possibly have been visited by the Divine. Eye witness accounts reported extraordinary solar activity – the sun dancing and emitting radiant colors. This miracle was declared “worthy of belief” by the Catholic Church several years later.
Whether you believe this particular miracle occurred or not, that’s really not the point. Instead, I invite you to consider what miracles you could be missing in your own life and how would your worldview might change if you decided to start treating life as a glorious gift full of daily miracles? Additionally, can you be a miracle for someone else? I encourage you to choose to live as if everything is a miracle.
Believe in miracles.