I write.
I write as surely as I breathe.
I write as a form of expression, as a way to work through things. I write as a prayer.
I fill volumes of journals. I write in the margins of every book I own; I write on scraps of paper and the backs of envelopes. It is how I process and think, it is who I am.
Words, whether written or read (for I love reading nearly as much as writing), allow me to experience a richer, more interesting world. I understand things more clearly, I see new perspectives, I gain wisdom from others. I am encouraged, as this new decade is nearly upon us, to write and read more – to follow my passion for the deeper meaning available to me through words.
There is nothing better than a fresh, new journal, ready to be filled with words, thoughts and prayers. On the morning this picture was taken several years ago, a dear friend met me on the grounds of the former Ball Brothers Estate (creators of the Ball Jar, for those unfamiliar with Muncie, Indiana’s famous forefathers). Now a community gathering place, its lush gardens and beautiful grounds were the perfect backdrop on a late summer day. I was just launching my blog and my sweet friend Katie agreed to help me with photos for that purpose. Out of habit, I grabbed my journal and began writing – it felt much more natural than smiling for the camera. Katie is a soul sister, one who knows me well, she captured me in that shot – writing, allowing my pen to dance across the paper with the rays of the sun falling over my shoulder. I always write everything out longhand first. I must feel the pen on the paper, see the words pouring out and, if possible, I love nothing more than to do so outdoors with birds chirping and fresh air all around me. I am grateful for this photo (and to Katie for taking it). There have been moments in the past few years in which I was so busy, so distracted, I nearly lost my voice and the joy of writing.
Maybe the written word isn’t your passion, but whatever it is that sets your soul on fire – I encourage you to do more of that in this coming year. Make time for it. No matter if it seems useless or silly, I promise you, it’s not. This world is big and wide and abundant – it takes us all with our unique gifts to make it interesting.
For me, it’s writing, at my core, I am a storyteller.
There is something delicious about writing the first words of a story. You never quite know where they’ll take you.
– Beatrix Potter
And much like the delicious start of a new story, so is the opportunity of a new year – fresh and ready to go where your passion and creativity will take you.